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  1. Surrey Civic Theatres and Surrey Archives present:

    Pride in Surrey Shines Through

    This special and inclusive day is certain to overflow your rainbow cup with love!

    June 10, 1pm - 9pm |Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall

    Emergence: Out of the Shadows

    A Sher Vancouver Feature Documentary

    June 10, 1pm |Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall |Tickets: $10

    The Rainbow Flame: Pride Storytelling Event

    June 10, 7pm | Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall |Tickets: $15

    Listen as a raft of diverse, talented, new, and established storytellers from the LGBTQ2S+ community will share part of their lives, all with some original music stirred in.

    For the full schedule of events at Pride in Surrey Shines Through click here. Tickets can be purchased to both events for $20 total by using the promo code RAINBOW at checkout. If you are experiencing financial barriers, please contact Surrey Civic Theatres at surreycivictheatres@surrey.ca and they will be happy to set a ticket aside for you.