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Pride 2022 Promo Video

Welcome to the page ALL things Pride 2022

Click here to access the Festival, the entertainers and sponsors

Events happening during Pride month in Surrey

June 3 – Sher Vancouver online viewing of “Emergence” Time: Jun 3, 2022 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82652699356.. ***Tune in to watch ONLINE***

June 7 – Sept 1 First LGBTQ+2S exhibit Museum of Surrey, Cloverdale

June 9th “Uniti for All” Pride Fashion Show (Private event)

June 9th 6.30-8pm Surrey Archives online panel on LGBTQ+2S History in Surrey. This event is free, however pre registration is required. To sign up surrey.ca/archives or archives@surrey.ca ***MUST REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE – FREE***

June 11th Quirkies Magical Quirkie Tour – Surrey Museum 2-4pm

June 14th EPAMA/Surrey Pride Bowling night Dell Lanes 7-9pm

June 17th Pride Youth Dance Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre. Doors 6.30 Dance 7-9pm (Register surrey.ca/register By phone 604 501- 5100 In person at any Surrey Parks Recs and Culture centre)

June 18th Surrey Civic Centre Aequitas Singers Concert 7pm https://www.aequitassingers.ca/blank-page **Ticket sales in advance are encouraged!**

June 22nd Pride Drag Queen Cash Prize Bingo – Central City Taphouse and Kitchen 7-9pm To make reservations email president@surreypride.ca

June 23rd Canadian Premiere of “Nelly Queen – the Life and Times of Jose Sarria”. SFU Central City, Prospera Theatre 6-9pm Tickets will be available on https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/film-screening-of-nelly-queen-the-life-and-times-of-jose-sarria-tickets-344878891047 *****Must pre register to attend****

June 25th Surrey Pride Festival Central City Mall on the plaza 4-9pm.
Remember to claim your patio seating for the Festival. $400 for 4, your table with direct line of site to the stage and festival. $300 credit towards food and drink. Central City Taphouse and Kitchen. We have now released the opportunity to purchase single ($100 with $75 F&B credit) and multiple tickets for this premiere experience. Limited seating still available Click Here

June 26th Fraser Valley Bandits Pride Basketball Game 3pm. Doors 2pm Langley Events Centre7888 200 Street, Langley. http://show.ps/I/80168b98. In order to meet our fundraising goals you must purchase the grey ticket option labeled “fundrasing ticket” and must purchase through this link.

Bring your pride flags, dress in Pride colours and come and have an awesome time.

And that’s a wrap